First off, Happy Mother's Day, yaya!!!! What a special day to celebrate our wonderful mothers!!
I loved everyones Crazy 8 post, so I decided to do one myself!!
8 TV Shows I Like to Watch:
1. GOSSIP GIRL - My absolute favorite, rarely miss it.
2. General Hospital - Yes, a soap! My mom and I LOVE it!
3. The Real Housewives - Sucked into every season!
4. The City - I love Olivia's style and have always loved Whitney!
5. Martha Stewart Show - My new year's resolution last year was to become Martha!
6. SEX AND THE CITY - My all time favorite show. Charlotte and I have way too much in common!
7. Law and Order
8. Dawson's Creek - I have all of the seasons and love watching before bed.
8 Favorite Places to Eat and Drink:
1. Lou Malnati's - Delicious Chicago pizza! A family favorite.
2. Panera
3. Jason's Deli
4. Bargo's Bar - My Thursday go-to bar at school!
5. Nonno Silvia's - An neighborhood Italian restaurant
6. Jimmy John's - We ordered it way too much at school!
7. Coco's - My absolute favvvv for breakfast. It's right near our AZ house and has DIVINEE cinnamon swirl french toast.
8. Cheescake Factory
8 Things I Look Forward To:
1. My Dayton besties coming to visit me in 2 days!! I am SO excited.
2. Sophomore Year
4. Having all of my high school best friends reunited,for some reason my friends and I have been a bit distant so it'll be nice to all be together.
5. Being home with my parents
6. Seeing all of my high school "school friends"
7. Wearing summer clothes!
8. The most exciting one.... GOING TO EUROPE!! My family and I are going to Paris and the South of France for two weeks at the end of June!!
8 Things That Happened To Me Yesterday:
1. I helped my mom with her dinner party preparation and cooking.
2. I missed Dayton and my friends.
3. I went to Target and inevitably wanted to buy 3 headbands.
4. I got two compliments on my new shoes (post later!)
5. I talked to a super cute boy from school!
6. I read Carrie Diaries.
7. Bought my mom's Mother's Day present.
8. Wished I was in Daytona! It's a Dayton tradition so lots of my Zeta sisters and friends are in Daytona drinking under the sun! So jealous but next year I will be there!
8 Things I Like About Winter:
1. Christmas!
2. Decorating for Christmas
3. New Years!
4. Snow days
5. Cute mittens and scarves
6. UGGS - Yes I know.. but they are so comfy!
7. Big comfy sweaters
8. Hot chocolate and Starbuck's Peppermint Mochas
8 Things I am Passionate About:
1. My family
2. My friends - both old and new
3. The Lord and having a strong faith
4. Enjoying college and being young while still working hard in school and maintaining a good balance between the two
5. Being a great friend and sister
6. Manners
7. Being a girl - Not constantly swearing, spitting, yelling, or doing anything terribly unladylike.
8. Being a romantic - I know the right boy is out there.. I just need to be more patient and wait for my dreamboat to sweep me off my feet!
8 Words or Phrases I Use Often:
1. Oh my gosh
2. Y'all
3. Oh no!
4. Lovebug, lovey, and sweet pea
5. Wait, what?
6. Oh that's so cute!
7. Precious, perf
8. Loveee it!
8 Things I Learned From the Past:
1. People change - It is a part of life.
2. After going to college, you quickly learn who your real friends are.
3. High school is not everything!
4. College truly is the best time of your life.
5. Boys often let you down, but not all boys are total jerkfaces.
6. You cannot control other people - I had a friend who got sucked into drugs at a very early age and I tend to feel guilty and blame myself for not doing more to help her, but I know that I cannot control anything she does I can only remind her of my immense love for her.
7. Grades are not everything! - I was so concerned with getting A's in high school but really why? When we are 40 we are not going to remember that one history exam we bombed or the 10 page paper we got a C+ on, we will remember the good things!
8. It is so important to stay close with your family, they really are always there for you!
8 Places I Would Like to See\Visit:
1. Paris!
2. Greece
3. Italy
4. My Arizona house
5. Louisville, KY
6. The beach
7. Puerto Vallarta
8. Spain
8 Things I currently Want\Need! :
1. A new pair of tstrap\going out sandals - My Steve Madden ones are gross from going to the bars.
2. A pair of pink Jack Rogers
3. New jean cigarette pants
4. A new Lilly shift (or a few!)
5. A quilted jacket for school
6. An armband to hold my IPOD while working out
7. A birthday gift for one of my best friends, Courtney
8. A few more pairs of Nike running shorts, they are my favorite to wear while working out!
Yay, that was fun! Have a great Mother's Day y'all!
xx, M